In 2017, Kearney & Company established our firm’s Contract Audit Services Division, a dedicated organizational unit that specializes in conducting incurred cost audits and other contract audit services. Our scalable approach allows us to examine a variety of auditee operations, controls, business systems, and incurred cost submission complexities, including those of small and major contractors, not-for-profit entities, and specialized service providers, such as Medicare managed care organizations. Kearney provides these services to both civilian and defense entities in compliance with all federal guidance and agency regulations.
Contract Audit Services
Read what our experts have to say.
Audit of Federal Information System Controls: How can Management Demonstrate Completeness and Accuracy?
Audit of Federal Information System Controls: How can Management Demonstrate Completeness and Accuracy?

Direct Examinations: Measuring and Evaluating Complex Subject Matters in the Government
In September 2020, the Auditing Standards Board (ASB) of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) issued a new attestation standard that creates a new form of attestation engagement for independent practitioners to perform direct examinations of an underlying subject matter in addition to assertion-based examinations.

AGA 2023 Inspector General and State Auditor Survey Highlights Proactive Oversight Community
This is a reprint of an article that appeared in the Winter 2024 issue of the AGA Journal. It previews AGA’s 2023 IG and State Auditor Survey, which was sponsored by Kearney. The full Survey will publish in February 2024.

AGA 2022 Inspector General Survey: Sustaining Change
The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) is using new approaches, different from traditional oversight methods of the past. By breaking down traditional barriers and opening doors, PRAC leaders are applying a “best and brightest” approach, with ongoing collaboration, data analytics, resource sharing, better communication, and proactive and more concise reporting and spending transparency, all largely in a remote work environment.

Audit Data Analytics: How Technology is Changing Audit Approach
Technological developments have changed how auditors and clients perform work and support business decisions. As clients’ expectations continue to evolve, the auditors’ use of technology will need to expand to keep pace.
Client Success
“First, let me say the audit report findings are impressive, and well-written.”
Please visit our Government and Public Services page for more information on our different contract vehicles.

Lindsey Nosari

Lacey Doran