AGA and Kearney & Company Release 2023 Inspector General and State Auditor Survey
Survey Highlights Innovations in Oversight Post-Pandemic
ALEXANDRIA, Va. – AGA, in collaboration with Kearney & Company, is pleased to announce the release of the 2023 Inspector General (IG) and State Auditor Survey: Embracing Innovations in Oversight. While the 2022 Survey focused on the oversight of $5 trillion in pandemic relief funds, the 2023 edition looks at the innovations developed and lessons learned from the challenge that will shape the future of oversight practices.
Leaders from AGA and Kearney collaborated to develop interview questions and conduct extensive interviews with state auditors and federal IGs. The interviews permitted in-depth conversations with a cross-section of oversight officials who held principal roles in COVID-19 relief efforts, as well as members of the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC), and leaders from selected states.
The 2023 survey respondents also shared their thoughts on the growing emphasis on data-sharing, the use of data analytics to enhance capacity and effectiveness, successes and challenges related to a changing workforce, and a challenging and complex oversight environment overall.
AGA CEO Ann Ebberts remarked, “More than 100 years ago, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, ‘Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.’ We are so appreciative of the federal IG and state auditor communities for participating in our survey and helping us bring to light many of the data access and data-sharing challenges encountered during the pandemic. Our survey also features details on the substantial efforts to collaborate and communicate across levels of government to identify potential solutions so that our government is prepared for the next crisis.”
Survey Director, Kearney Senior Partner, and Chair of AGA’s Corporate Partners Advisory Group David Zavada emphasized, “This year’s survey amplifies the themes raised by the PRAC and others in the oversight community about avoiding fraud and improper payments, including the importance of data-sharing and data analytics capabilities to enhance program integrity and detect fraud. Maintaining a centralized data analytics function is a top legislative priority for the federal IG community.”
The 2023 IG and State Auditor Survey offers invaluable insights into the current evolution of oversight and accountability. To access the full report, please visit AGA IG Survey 2024.
About AGA
AGA is the association that connects and empowers professionals who support government, from financial management to IT, human resources, cybersecurity and more, to advance good government initiatives, grow their expertise and accelerate their careers. For more information, visit www.agacgfm.org/.
About Kearney & Company
Established in 1985, Kearney & Company, P.C. (Kearney) is a CPA firm specializing in providing audit, consulting and technology services to government. Narrowing our market focus allows us to deepen our understanding of government agencies and provide industry-leading insight to our customers at all levels. Our staff — operating from our Alexandria, VA headquarters and satellite offices across the U.S. — have provided services to every Cabinet-level department and most other agencies and commissions. The support we provide helps make government better. For more information, visit https://www.kearneyco.com/.
For More Information:
Laura Duhan, AGA Digital Marketing Manager
800.AGA.7211, ext. 308
[email protected]